This is a 5 letter answer

Dictionary definitions:

Word: belt
Word origin: Old English, of Germanic origin, from Latin balteus ‘girdle’.
Phonetic: bɛlt

a strip of leather or other material worn, typically round the waist, to support or hold in clothes or to carry weapons. Example: he tightened his leather belt an extra notch
a continuous band of material used in machinery for transferring motion from one wheel to another. Example: a great wheel driven by a leather belt
a strip or encircling area that is different in nature or composition from its surroundings. Example: the asteroid belt
a heavy blow. Example: she administered a good belt with her stick
fasten with a belt. Example: she belted her raincoat firmly
hit (someone or something) hard. Example: she belted him over the head with her racquet
rush or dash in a specified direction. Example: he belted out of the side door
gulp (a drink) quickly. Example: cocktails should be sipped and savoured, not belted down

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