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All clues having "ATT" for an answer:
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Boston Legal fig.
Boston Legal type (abbr.)
L. A. Law character
L.A. Law character
Legal Eagles fig.
Ma Bell
Boston Legal fig.
L.A. Law fig.
1 800 CALL ___
1-800-CALL-___ (rival of 1-800-COLLECT)
1-800-CALL-___: rival of 1-800-COLLECT
A.B.A. member
A.B.A. member: Abbr.
ABA figure
ABA mem.
ABA member
ABA type
AOL alternative
An A.B.A. member
Another Dow Jones Industrial Average component
Any QB throw
Bar assn. member
Bar assoc. member
Bar fig.
Bar man
Bar mem.
Bar passer (abbr.)
Bar passer
Bar passer: Abbr.
Bar tender?: Abbr.
Beleaguered communications giant
Big Board initials
Big comm. letters
Big inits. in long distance
Big letters in long-distance
Big-business initials
Blue chip initials
Blue chip intials
Blue-chip symbol
Brief writer
Brief writer: Abbr.
Call letters?
Carrot Tops call letters?
Case builder: Abbr.
Case guy
Case studier: Abbr.
Case worker: Abbr.
Case worker?: Abbr.
Cingulars current owner
Clipped-on: abbr.
Co. that spun off the Baby Bells
Communications biggie
Communications co.
Communications giant
Counselor: Abbr.
Court V.I.P.: Abbr.
Court fig.
Court figure: Abbr.
Courtroom VIP
Courtroom fig.
Crowd fig.
Ct. figure
Dist. ___
Doc. sent with an e-mail
Effort: abbr.
Ellenor Frutts occ.
Envelope abbr.
Esq. affixer
F.L. Bailey
Fig. at the bar
Figure in ct.
Firm person: Abbr.
Firm pro: Abbr.
G. Van Susteren
G.T.E. rival
Gate fig.
Incomplete pass
Inits. in long distance
It might result in a TD
It might result in an int.
J.D. earner
J.D. holder
J.D. holder: Abbr.
JD earner
JD holder
John Edwards
Johnnie Cochran
Justice Dept. employee
Justice Dept. staffer
Justice Dept. worker
LL.B. holder
LL.D. holder
LLD holder
LSAT taker
Last years three-l
Lawyer (abbr.)
Lawyer: Abbr.
Legal advocate: Abbr.
Legal rep.
Letters in a long-distance companys number
Letters on a telephone bill
Long distance inits.
Long distance letters
Long-distance call letters
Long-distance initials
Long-distance inits.
Long-distance letters
MCI alternative
MCI rival
Many a defender: Abbr.
Mem. of the A.B.A.
Mem. of the ABA
Member of John Grishams Firm
Memo abbr.
Motion expert?: Abbr.
N.F.L. passing stat.
N.Y.S.E. listing
NFL passing stat
NYSE listing
NYSE ticker symbol changed to T in 1930
Office-memo abbr.
Old N.Y.S.E. ticker symbol thats now just T
Old Siamese coin
Once Ma Bell
One of two authorized U.S. iPhone carriers
One whos into the bar scene?: Abbr.
One whose name is followed by Esq.
One whose stationery has esq. on it
One with Esq. on the door
One with Esq. after his name
Part of D.A.: Abbr.
Part of D.A.
Part of D.A. (abbr.)
Part of a 2005 SBC merger
Part of a collect call number
Part of a communications companys 800-number
Part of a long-distance companys 800 number
Part of a phone co.s number
Part of a popular collect call number
Part of a toll-free calling card number
Part of a toll-free calling card phone number
Part of a toll-free long-distance number
Part of an 800 collect call number
Passing try
Pebble Beach National Pro-Am sponsor
Perry Mason
Person with a J.D.
Phone co.s phone no.
Pt. of D.A.
Pub. defender
QBs pass try
QBs pass
QBs passing try
QBs stat
QBs throw
QBs try
QBs try: abbr.
Settlement figure: Abbr.
Shingle abbr.
Some telecommunications letters
Specialist in leg. work
Sponsor of a Pebble Beach tournament
Sprint alternative
Sprint competitor
Stock page listing
Suit handler: Abbr.
T-Mobile competitor
Telecom co.
Telecom giant
Telecom letters
Telecom stock listing
Telecommunications co.
Telecommunications inits.
Telecommunications letters
Telus competitor in the long distance mkt.
The A of D.A.: Abbr.
The Justice Dept. broke it up in 1982
Trial VIP
Trial fig.
Try: abbr.
Trying person
U-verse co.
Verizon rival
Welch or Jenkins: Abbr.
What a d.a. is
Worker doing a case study: Abbr.
___ Gen.
___ Gen. (cabinet member)
iPhone service prov.
iPhone service provider
Siamese coin.
Attorney: Abbr.
Criminal lawyer: Abbr.
Lawyer's abbreviation.
Coin of Siam.
He's an LL.B.
Thai coin
Small coin of Siam.
A Brownell title: Abbr.
Lawyer: Abhr.
Legal representative: Abbr.
What A. E. S. is.
Man of law: Abbr.
LL. D. holder.
Business letter abbreviation
Barrister: Abbr.
Law man: Abbr.
Advocate: Abbr.
Legist: Abbr.
Legal agent: Abbr.
Professional man: Abbr.
Legal abbreviation.
Notice: Abbr.
D. A.
Appended: Abbr.
Bar member: Abbr.
Lawyer: Abr.
Legal man: Abbr.
Lawman: Abbr.
Business letter abbr.
Big Board listing
D. A., for one
Old coin of Siam
Man of briefs: Abbr.
Phone co.
Darrow, for one: Abbr.
A. G. Bell's giant offspring
Letter abbr.
Holder of an L.L.B.
Sol. Gen.
Quarterback's stat. re passing
Legal eagle: Abbr.
Belli or Bailey: Abbr.
Abbr. on an envelope
The ___ D.A.
D.A., e.g.
Bailey or Belli: Abbr.
Legal pers.
N.Y.S.E. abbr.
Sol. Gen., e.g.
Leg. eagle
Env. notation
Business abbr.
Part of a long-distance company's 800 number
Part of a communications company's 800-number
Letters in a long-distance company's number
One who's into the bar scene?: Abbr.
QB's pass, whether completed or not: Abbr.
Esq., usually
Old N.Y.S.E. ticker symbol that's now just T
Brief writer, in brief
Bygone N.Y.S.E. ticker symbol
The Good Wife fig.
Football stat.
Fig. mentioned in Miranda warnings
Sidebar requester: Abbr.
Phone inits.
Courtroom figure: Abbr.
QB stat: Abbr.
QB's try: Abbr.
One who's passed the bar: Abbr.
QB's stat: Abbr.
Many a role on TV's Suits: Abbr., site with the category Cellphones & tablets
T-Mobile competitor: Abbr.
QB's pass: Abbr.
Letters on a communications corp. logo
Co. that spawned Baby Bells
Grisham hero, often: Abbr.
Brief writer, briefly
Public defender, for one: Abbr.
Communications co. with a blue-and-white globe logo
NFL pass, complete or not
Law firm fig.
Motion maker: Abbr.
T, on the NYSE
Legal fig.
One arguing in court: Abbr. (telecom companys website) (cell services site) (phone service site) (website plugging lines) ( competitor)
Worlds biggest telco, revenue-wise
It was Southwestern Bell Co., until 95
Part of a D.A.
QB's passing stat: Abbr.
DIRECTV parent
Football stat: Abbr.
It might result in a TD or an INT
One in the ABA
Verizon competitor
QB stat
Passing stat: Abbr.
Bar passer, briefly
QB effort
@__ (Twitter handle promoting connections)
Public defender, e.g.
NFL stat
Its website offers DIRECTV
NFL passing statistic (abbr.)
QB passing stat
QB passing stat
Member of the Bar Assoc.
Legal professional: Abbr.
Ally McBeal, professionally, for one: abbr.
Parent company of Cricket Wireless
Quarterback's stat: Abbr.
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Six-pack that might be in the "Craft" section, for short
Online shorthand for "off-line"
Kickin' cardio option
Logician who hypothesized that the simplest explanation for a phenomenon is usually the best
"Surely!," in Orly
Atlanta sch. whose teams are the Panthers
Cautionary sign at a pier
1982 George Clinton hit with the refrain "Bow wow wow, yippie yo, yippie yay"
Stand onstage, perhaps
Speedway additive brand
"No lie ...," in texts
Juggling chain saws on a tightrope, for instance
Windows portal, in brief
Complements to salts and fats in the kitchen
Companion of Jason in the search for the Golden Fleece
Many a work message
___ around (football trick play)
Hits the exchange, in Wall Street lingo
What un sachet de thé is put into
Try-before-you-buy option
Things to brood over
Assume the lotus position, say
Hyundai S.U.V. named after a region in Hawaii
Month with the newest federal holiday, recognized in 2021
Last word of the last multiple-choice option, maybe
Commit a party foul, in a way … or what five answers do in this puzzle?
Farmworker organizer Chavez
Vital force in Taoism
Items for babies on board
Eye part found in the 13-Across
Tag sale disclaimer
"if u put it that way, however ..."
Possible sleeping spot for a partner who's in the doghouse
Cays, e.g.
Burning glow
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