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Word: achy
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Suffering from aches, sore.
All clues having "ACHY" for an answer:
You can find a list of possible crossword clues for ACHY below.
___ Breaky Heart
___ Breaky Heart (1992 hit)
___ Breaky Heart (Billy Ray Cyrus hit)
___ Breaky Heart (Billy Ray cyrus tune)
___ Breaky Heart: Cyrus hit
___-Breaky Heart
___ Breaky Heart (92 tune)
___ Breaky Heart (92 hit)
A bit sore
Acting up
Billy Ray Cyrus title word
Billy Ray Cyruss ___ Breaky Heart
Coming down with something
Down with the flu
Feeling exercised?
Feeling fluish
Feeling pain all over
Feeling sore
Feeling the effects of a workout
Having pains
Headed for the whirlpool
Heading for the hot tub
In need of a massage
In need of a pain reliever
In need of a whirlpool
In need of aspirin
In need of liniment
In need of shiatsu
In search of a masseur
In some pain
In some physical distress
Like Billy Rays heart
Like Icy-Hots targets
Like a Breaky Heart of song
Like a bad back
Like a longshoremans back after a days work
Like a pitchers arm after a complete game
Like a pitchers arm
Like flu victims
Like muscles after a workout
Like muscles after exercising
Like overused muscles
Like overworked muscles
Like sore muscles
Needing Bengay
Needing a massage
Needing a whirlpool
Needing an analgesic
Needing kneading
Needing kneading?
Needing liniment
Needing some rubbing
Plagued by pains
Post-marathon feeling
Regretting a workout
Ruing the aerobics
Somewhat painful
Sore after exercising
Sore all over
Stiff and sore
Stiff in the joints
Still feeling the workout
Suffering dull pains
Suffering from too much exercise
Tired and sore
Vaguely painful
Word in a Billy Ray Cyrus title
Full of the misery.
Feeling pain.
Afflicted with the misery.
Stiff in the joints: Colloq.
Full of miseries
Like the muscles of new skiers
In pain
Caught in the grip of la grippe
Full of pain
Billy Ray Cyrus's ___ Breaky Heart
Fluish, perhaps
Coming down with something, maybe
Hurting all over
Bruised, say
Acting up, in a way
Sore, as from overexercise
Like many flu sufferers
Sore, as 56-Across
Feeling fluish, in a way
Needing aspirin?
Causing steady dull pain
Feeling in need of an aspirin?
Church in a year of suffering
In continual pain, always about the church
Sore after exercise
Sore from a workout
Needing a rubdown
Head down south, be away — it's painful!
Acting up internally
Having sore muscles
Less than hale
With sore muscles
First word in the title of the Billy Ray Cyrus song that popularized line dancing
Needing some kneading, say
Like legs in the days after a marathon
Hurting after exercise
Hurting after exercise
Causing a dull and steady pain
Sore, as after a workout
Experiencing vaccine side effects, perhaps
Feeling tender
Feeling it after a workout
Feeling it after a workout
___ Breaky Song (Weird Al track parodying Billy Ray Cyrus)
Like ones arm after an injection, maybe
Persistently painful
Oak fruit
Requiring aspirin
Sore from exercise, say
Rather tender
Sore from overexertion
In need of a massage, maybe
How Billy Ray Cyrus described his heart in 1992?
Like one's legs after too many squats, say
In need of an ibuprofen
___ Breaky Heart (country hit from 30 years ago!)
Bearing children is always painful
Sore from always carrying children
Going through each year is painful
Feeling the effects of a tough workout, say
Heading for the whirlpool, say
Sore from exertion
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Porter or pilsner alternative, in brief
Arm-raising muscle, informally
Souvenir from a trip?
Sites for saltwater soaks
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Covered with a green growth
Word sometimes repeated after "Here ..."
Heckle loudly
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The word "aquarium" has one
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Source of the quote "Allah doesn't task a soul beyond its capacity"
Used a certain rideshare service
Martial arts champion who co-starred in 2020's "Mulan"
Group that once included the members Babe Ruth and Harry Houdini
Defined set of points
Product of hardened lava
Devote attention to
Onetime queen of Jordan
Upholsterers' samples
Hard worker to a degree?
Skin feature … and a clue to the circled square in this row
Capability of being pulled and stretched
Tips back and forth
Former world capital that's an anagram of its country's current capital
Urban area associated with gaming
Poetic time of day … and a clue to the circled square in this row
Alma mater of Ian Fleming (as well as James Bond)
What "…" sometimes means
Something that may be drawn at night
Alternative to mushrooms, maybe
Worker in a Washington office
Word processing function … and a clue to the circled square in this row
Green-skinned Marvel hero
Cars whose logo represents the Pleiades star cluster
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